
In Maths, we have been making shape pictures and patterns by selecting, rotating and manipulating shapes in order to develop spatial reasoning skills. 


In Literacy, we have been learning and performing the story of the Little Red Hen and making up and performing puppet shows of the tale to one another.

We have been reading regularly and have added new books to our book corner that we can read all by ourselves!​

Understanding the World
  • ​We have been learning about farming and where our food comes from.
  • We had a very exciting visiut from Vauxhall City Farm where we got to meets sheep and goats up close.
  • Biodiversity – our pond… a new home for pondlife at Michael Faraday School – we go to explore our new pond. We did a bit of pond dipping and took some water samples back to class. Using magnifying glasses we used them to observe what creatures had moved into our new pond. We found watersnails, pond skaters
Design & Technology/Science
  • ​Bread making: just like the Little Red Hen we made and ate bread. Unlike the animals in the story everyone helped! We learned bout yeast and how it creates bubbles that makes the bread rise and become soft and bouncy. 
  • ​In art we have been focussing on making lots of different animals for our farm roleplay areas. We used paints, collage and paper plates to make hens for our hen coop, and card, glue and pipe cleaners to make pigs for our pigsty. 
So much to do, so little time!